26 Things I Know For Sure

Dear Reader, I currently type this as I wait out the remaining minutes of my life as a 26-year old. I must admit that I am feeling a mixture of melancholy, excitement, apprehensiveness and hopefulness as the minutes go by. I am sure that these emotions are shared by many people as they grow a year…

Prince Charming

Dear Reader, When I was a teen, I had a long list of what I wanted my Prince Charming to be like. Yes I actually wrote a list of the desired traits which I wanted in my future man. I kept this list in my drawer and locked it away, and told myself that I’ll…


Dear Reader, I am not usually one to make resolutions for the New Year, probably because I don’t see why should someone wait until the start of the year to make them. But it is timely that this year, I have a resolution. It is: I am going detach a little from technology. It all…

Timing in Relationships

Dear Reader, There will be a time in our relationship when we find ourselves in a ‘Right person, wrong time’ situation. You know, this is when you meet someone who is so right for you but somehow, circumstances or events just isn’t in your favour. When this happens, we try to romanticise the pain by calling it ‘lost love’ or…

Taking The Risk

Dear Reader, There was once a farm boy who was very poor. Each day, he would make a living by selling milk from his cows to a merchant. Now this merchant was a wealthy and respected man among all the villagers. He also had a beautiful daughter, who was the apple of his eye The…